Completing these gambler challenges may have been easier if he had known about Tony Sloterman, product owner and marketing manager at Casino Bonus Finder. Alas, the internet was not yet a thing in 1899. It’s not like he could hone his skills at an online casino philippines gcash.  Instead, he had to travel far and wide on horseback to earn gambler glory. The upside of this was that he learned a few valuable lessons along the way. Let’s look at a few of them.

Challenge 1: Win Five Hands of Texas Hold ‘Em Poker

Arthur was way ahead of his time. While five-card draw poker was popular in saloons and cardrooms at the turn of 20th century, few if any card sharks had been introduced to Texas Hold ‘Em  at the time.

Challenge 2: Double Down and Win 5 Hands of Blackjack

This challenge makes players abandon optimum blackjack strategy as players must double down whenever possible regardless of the situation. It’s amazing how the other NPCs at the table never bat an eye as Arthur continues to disrupt the harmony of the table.

Challenge 3: Win 3 Games of Five Finger Fillet

Despite Arthur often cutting his fingers to shreds as he completes this challenge, it doesn’t seem to hamper his ability to use a gun, reel in a legendary fish, or make the raccoon hat guy in Valentine eat a knuckle sandwich.

Challenge 4: Bust Out One Poker Opponent in Three Locations

While most modern poker pros would advise against it, Arthur’s best strategy here is to go all-in almost every hand regardless of which cards he’s holding. Doing so in real life won’t just annoy opponents, but it is also a sure-fire way to go broke.

Challenge 5: Win 3 Rounds of Dominoes Without Having to Draw Tiles

This challenge teaches Arthur that saving and reloading the game is the key to achieving a three-round win streak. It’s a bit like Groundhog Day, but it’s the key to becoming a dominoes aficionado.

Challenge 6: Beat the Blackjack Dealer in 2 Locations

This is by far the easiest of the 10 gambler challenges. However, the biggest takeaway from this mission is that the Van Horn tavern is such a dump that not even the miners from Annesburg will venture into it despite the tasty fish stew and abundance of working girls.

Challenge 7: Win Five Finger Fillet in 3 Locations

The most significant revelation from this challenge is that it simply isn’t worth shredding your fingers for a paltry 50-cent wager.

Challenge 8: Win 3 Hands of Blackjack by Hitting at Least Three Times

Winning a hand of blackjack using five or more cards is a rare feat. Other players who take offense to a guy constantly hitting on 19 or 20 simply don’t understand what it takes to become a master gambler.

Challenge 9: Win 3 Consecutive Games of Dominoes

Arthur learns that winning at dominoes is no easy task. This is especially true when you have no idea how to play despite the tutorials. It’s a good thing he can use the save/reload approach.

Challenge 10: Win 3 Hands of Poker in a Row

Anyone can win a hand of Hold ‘Em. Heck, anyone can win two hands in a row. However, it takes a supremely high level of douchebaggery to pull off three consecutive wins. Arthur rises to the occasion!

Lessons Learned from the Gambler Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2 - 52Lessons Learned from the Gambler Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2 - 42Lessons Learned from the Gambler Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2 - 43