But with one problem solved, another problem surfaces. Because the device is mobile, it is prone to a lot of exposures which are not favourable for the device. One of such conditions is the device falling into water. It could be a small puddle, a water closet, a stream, or even a river. Water is the enemy of any electrical board, and it causes serious damage to any device it comes in contact with. Now, there are a lot of articles already writing on what to do when your device falls into water, and each one proffering a different solution. But the irony of it all is, people now know what to do, but don’t know what NOT to do. So, this article is going to be talking about what NOT to do when your device drops into water:

When Your Phone Drops In Water, Do Not Put It On

Just like when your tire burst on top speed, the first instinct you get is to step on the brakes, and this could prove fatal. So also, when your device falls into water, the first thing you want to do is put it on the back to check if it is still working. DO NOT put it on, or try to put it on. If it is still on, remove the battery. If it comes with a non-removable battery, press and hold down the power button. Whatever step you want to take thereafter, it can be done with the device off.

When Your Phone Drops In Water, Do Not Swing Dry It

This is also something we all want to do. We feel by swinging it, it would drain the fluid inside. This is partially true. The truth is, swinging it would expel water from one side and allow more entry on the other side. You could place the device vertically, but DO NOT swing dry it.

When Your Phone Drops In Water, Do Not Apply Direct Heat

Now that your device is wet, everything you do on it have to come to a halt. All chats suspended, calls etc. You practically become useless. This can make you want to make haste with the drying process. You would want to be done with the process in a jiffy. This might push you to increase the heat of the dryer/heater used to dry the device. Excess heat can damage the board or the body of the device if it is made of plastic. It could also affect the screen of the device. DO NOT apply direct heat. Do not apply too much heat.

When Your Phone Drops In Water, Do Not Blow Dry It

This is another funny action people do when their device falls into water. They either use a blower or use their mouth to blow air into any available vent on the device. They hope this would dry the device. On the contrary, this would push the liquid further into the device. So DO NOT blow air into the device, either manually or with a blower.

When Your Phone Drops In Water, Do Not Plug It To Power

This is also another thing people like to do. Because they want to know if the device is still working, they tend to plug it to a main source. This could lead to the complete frying of the board…instantly. DO NOT plug it to power, instead, find every means possible to make sure it remains off during the entire rescue process.

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