What are the top 10 best Alfred Hitchcock movies you may ask? This article is here to answer that question. After that, sit back and enjoy the beauty and suspense of Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpieces of suspense.

List of Alfred Hitchcock movies: 10 Greatest Films Ranked

10. The Trouble With Harry (1955)

The Trouble With Harry was Hitchcock’s test at a comedy mixed with suspense. A group of people have no idea what to do with him, believe they could be framed, and continue to dig him up from the ground in a crazy day. One of Alfred Hitchcock’s favorite films that he directed. A terrific cast leads audiences through this comedic story. It stars Shirley Maclaine in her movie debut. The Trouble With Harry has gained more recognition over time among audiences. The film isn’t considered one of Hitchcock’s best but it made a mark on history and opened the door for dark comedy.

9. Lifeboat (1944)

After a horrible torpedo, only a handful of survivors are left to fend for their lives on a lone lifeboat in the middle of the ocean. Surprisingly not well received when it was first released, the one reason why audiences watch Lifeboat is because of the actors who worked together to bring the story to life. Horror is all about being on your own in danger. The survivors put their trusts in each other to get out of this crisis battling hunger, and opposite personalities.

8. Strangers on the Train (1951)

Strangers on the Train will make you think twice about whom you start up a conversation with on a train. Talking about their significant others, the other convinces a diabolical plan where the other will kill the opposite and get away with murder. Farley Granger and Robert Walker are not to be missed in this hit classic. You can’t trust everybody. Hitchcock teases his audiences making them feel as if they’re being watched too. Scenes are well-formatted in Hitchcock’s suspenseful edit. You won’t regret watching this phenomenal film.

7. The Lady Vanishes (1938)

Alfred Hitchcock made many first in his years as a film director. The Lady Vanishes was just the beginning of the famous storyline about a missing person and others questioning about their existence. Set on a train, the mystery begins. Starring Margaret Lockwood, Michael Redgrave, Paul Lukas, and May Whitty did this Miss Froy ever exist? Nobody likes it when others won’t believe a word you say. Hitchcock loved to focus on characters and the setting so the audience would have something to relate to. That way Hitchcock has his audiences right where he wants them. This 30s classic is a hit. You will enjoy watching the mystery unfold in The Lady Vanishes.

6. Vertigo (1958)

Vertigo is a film you have to see three times before you understand it. A retired cop who suffers from Vertigo falls in love with this mysterious woman. Known as a masterpiece, Alfred Hitchcock never turned down the opportunity to amaze an audience. It also has some of the best film effects to create a vision of vertigo. James Steward and Kim Novak are amazing in their portrayals. However, Vertigo was hit with negative reviews when it was first released to the big screen. Over time, film analyzers have saved the film delving between the lines examining the story for meaning. If you take an evening to watch Vertigo be warned that it may take a few evenings to understand the film. Otherwise, Vertigo is a well-acted, suspenseful thriller-mystery.

5. Rope (1948)

Rope is a masterpiece of its time that took a lot of risks. It was not a hit when it was first released but over time it gained an audience and even analyzers who found a homosexual subtext which is crucial to the plotline. Parties are fun occasions — except when there is a dead body lingering right inside a table right under your very eyes. Whose side are audiences on in Rope? Are we hoping that the murderers don’t get caught or are we hoping that all the party guests will leave in an instant so the murderers get away with it? Starring a large cast, Farley Granger, John Dall, and James Steward are not to be missed in this suspenseful classic. Aside from its willingness, Rope also introduced the film world to unique camera angles. It just goes to show that every film director has their own unique style. Fun Fact: Alfred Hitchcock makes a cameo in all his movies. In Rope, you have to look long and hard to spot Hitchcock.

4. Marnie (1964)

Based on the novel by Winston Graham, Tippi Hedron floors the audience with a terrific dramatic performance. Her role as a woman carrying a dark secret and displaying a multitude of faces is finally found out and forced into a marriage with Sean Connery. Although a dark tone, Alfred Hitchcock subconsciously informs audience members who suffer from PTSD to seek help so they won’t struggle alone. Marnie stars the talents of Louise Latham, Diane Baker, and Martin Gabel. Alfred Hitchcock was also the master at backstory. Characters are the most important element of any film or novel. Hedron succeeds, capturing audiences in her genuine emotions. Horror isn’t always about jump scares and ghosts. Horror is also about the nightmares from our past and facing them.

3. Rear Window (1954)

Taking place in the hot summer, a wheelchair-bound photographer is in the midst of recuperating from a bad accident when he spies a possible murder across from his own apartment. Investigating the case further, he learns that his theory could be right. In one of James Steward best Hitchcock film performances, audiences don’t move from his apartment. Since Steward has been confined, we easily feel how cramped up he is in this apartment as his neighbors have the freedom to live their lives. Also starring Grace Kelly and Thelma Ritter, a multitude of supporting actors portray characters who make a big impact without even saying anything. Actions speak louder than words. Rear Window is an iconic film that keeps viewers guessing. Well acted and beautiful scenery followed by a showstopping climax, Rear Window is an iconic film that delved into a new definition of suspense.

2. The Birds (1963)

Similar to how Jaws made audiences fear sharks, Hitchcock directed a film that made people fear birds. Movies are stories that make audiences think. Not once is it explained why these birds are attacking people. Starring Tippi Hedron, Rod Taylor, Jessica Tandy, Suzanne Pleshette, and Veronica Cartwright, The Birds is a suspenseful and shocking film. Sometimes the villain doesn’t have to be human. One unique element of The Birds that makes the film well known for its time is that there is no background music. Evidententally, the film is more suspenseful. Without musical cues, you don’t know what is going to happen next. Take a night to watch The Birds. It’s a suspenseful film that makes you hope birds won’t come and attack your town.

1. Psycho (1960)

Psycho is one of Alfred Hitchcock’s best films of all time. On the run, Marion Crane drives away with stolen money in her pocket. She finds refuge at the Bates Motel. After having a talk with Norman Bates, the owner, Marion has a change of heart regarding her evil plan. Starring Janet Leigh, Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin, and Martin Balsom, Psycho is a well-acted picture based off on the novel written by Robert Bloch. Since Hitchcock had a knack for keeping secrets he bought all the books in print so nobody would find out about the twists. Avoid any information before watching Psycho. It is one of Alfred Hitchcock’s best, and most daring films of its time. Since its release, Psycho opened the door for the horror genre.

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